Holiday Stress Busters

The Challenge: Holiday Stress!
Are you feeling overworked, over-tired and over-stressed from all the holiday running around and year-end deadlines? So are most people! And it's taking a toll on morale and productivity.

The 60 Second Solution:
Before you start saying "bah-humbug", try these three tips to keep your team stress free and productive this holiday season.
  1. Plan the holiday party after December. Many companies are switching to New Year's parties because December is so full of activity. A New Year's party is a great way to get everyone on board with new initiatives and celebrate the past year's wins. It's also non-denominational, which helps everyone feel more included.

  2. Get holiday to-do's done at work. Turn one of your conference rooms into Martha Stewart's dream gift wrapping room. Fill it with wrapping paper, bows, and all the trimmings. Encourage people to bring their gifts to work and wrap during breaks. Not only will they be glad to get this chore off their lists, but a lot of team building will happen when you get people together in a relaxed environment. On that note, another idea is to let people holiday shop over the Internet during their lunch break.

  3. Surprise them with a half day off. Think of how grateful your employees would be to have a couple of extra hours to holiday shop without the after work crowds, wrap gifts, or just take a time out for themselves. Your team will not only thank you, but they'll be more refreshed when they return to work.
Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Davis Staffing