Fully Staffed and Ready to Roll

Headed into your busy season -- or is it already in full swing? Here's how to make smart staffing and hiring decisions to keep departments fully staffed and performing at their peak:

Depending on the work they do, companies may experience their seasonal rush at any time during the year. Whether yours hits at the height of summer or the dead of winter -- or anywhere in between -- it's important to ensure you have the people you need to meet demand before it ramps up.

Here, we look at some of the key challenges and considerations of seasonal hiring and how companies can position themselves so they are ready to roll when the time comes.

Why You Need All Hands on Deck

Going into a seasonal rush can wreak havoc on your core staff's ability to meet critical operational demands well. When you don't have the people you need:

  • Quality suffers. Overworked staff may miss deadlines, fail to complete steps essential to the safe or effective performance of your company's business, or make other mistakes that can easily be avoided when staff are able to meet the demands each day places upon them.
  • Morale suffers. When staff have too much to do and not enough time to do it, exhaustion and stress set in. Absenteeism climbs, frustration rears its ugly head, and the effects on motivation, productivity, and engagement may last long past the seasonal rush itself.

By contrast, having the people you need ready to go in advance of a seasonal rush or big project helps ensure that your core staff can stay focused on the most essential parts of their jobs. The business runs more smoothly as a result, productivity and engagement stay high, and both temporary and long-term staff are able to do their best work during what may be the most overwhelming time of year for your company.

Headed into your busy season? Davis Staffing can design a staffing plan to help you keep quality and morale high.

Temp or Direct Staff?

One of the biggest decisions you may face in the staffing season is the decision between hiring temporary workers and bringing on a new long-term staff member.

Choosing temporary workers can help companies save money -- but only when the choice to find temporary help fits with the type and duration of assistance that you need. When deciding between temp and direct-hire staff, ask yourself:

  • What do we need them to do? Temp staff are best assigned ''overflow'' work during a seasonal rush or specialized, one-time projects that fit their focused skills. If temp staff are doing critical operational tasks, it's time to look for a direct hire instead.
  • How long do we need them to do it? If the goal is to find help with work you know will end, either because the season ends or because a particular project does, temporary staff are often the best choice. If your core team needs help with critical operational work, however, a new direct hire may be the better choice.

For a seasonal rush, weigh the option of hiring temporary staff against the option of assigning more overtime. If work quality is declining or staff are showing other signs of burnout, hiring temporary help can protect your core staff's ability to focus and function.

Is it time to hire -- or merely staff up temporarily? Davis Staffing can help assess your needs and make the right choice for your organization. Schedule your free workforce consultation today.

Recruiting Seasonal Staff Before the Season Begins

Most people get annoyed when Christmas holiday decorations pop up in stores before Halloween has even arrived. Smart hiring managers, however, know that when it comes to seasonal rushes, starting before the ''season'' begins is essential.

Here's why:

  • You can't be sure you'll find the people you need right away, even if unemployment is high. Your competitors are likely experiencing the same seasonal rush you are and are recruiting the same qualified applicants. If you need a specialized project done, finding someone with the ideal skill set can take considerable time.
  • Success requires training. Simply throwing your temp staff in the deep end is a recipe for floundering and failure. Instead, you'll need to plan time for processing paperwork, orientation, training and learning.

It's wise to start planning your seasonal hiring push a month or two before the seasonal rush begins. Set reminders in your calendar to start the process, whether that means creating job postings, contacting last season's best temporary workers or calling your recruiter.

Help Is on the Way

Staffing firms specialize in helping clients face seasonal rushes and specialized projects. Don't hesitate to ask your recruiter any questions you have, from ''Do I need temporary staff?'' to ''How do I help all of our workers thrive?''

How can we help you this season? Give Davis Staffing a call to be fully staffed -- and ready to roll.

Reprinted with permission courtesy of
Davis Staffing